
Roughneck Smoker

Roughneck Smoker - The full stainless steel hasty bake roughneck barrel smoker is here! Get the convenience, flavor, and temperature control of a traditional barrel smoker, without all the headaches! Smoking an unsmoked country ham. Mes cold smoker attachment. Has anyone had any experience with the hasty bake rough neck barrel smoker? Iโ€™m looking for information and reviews on the hasty bake roughneck barrel smoker. There doesnโ€™t seem to be much out there. Does anyone have experience with it? Can it also work as. With that i remembered hasty bake introducing the roughneck & decided to give it another look. The price point is very attractive, itโ€™s easily attainable & also offers a deflector. This smoker has all the same features as the stainless roughneck. Get the convenience, flavor, and temperature control of a traditional barrel smoker, without all the headaches! Kent rollins wanted them to build this for him and he has a prototype on his channel that he has. Get the convenience, flavor, and temperature control of a traditional barrel smoker, without all the headaches! Not a major issue, but something to be aware of. Otherwise, this is a great smoker. Still playing with different fire management options. This seems the best layout for me. 39 x 28. 75 x 28. 75 (including handles)interior.

The full stainless steel hasty bake roughneck barrel smoker is here! Get the convenience, flavor, and temperature control of a traditional barrel smoker, without all the headaches! Smoking an unsmoked country ham. Mes cold smoker attachment. Has anyone had any experience with the hasty bake rough neck barrel smoker?

Roughneck Smoker