
Nnbs Truck

Nnbs Truck - To be clear though, you are asking if a obs rear end will fit in a nbs truck, not a nbs rear end into a nnbs truck. Nnbs is the current style, nbs is before that and obs is the. If your truck is a 2003 you have to convert your fuel system to a returnless setup using the corvette fuel filter if you use the tbss/nnbs fuel rail. 04+ trucks all have the return. When looking for a new truck, youโ€™ll want to know what each of these terms stands for. Nbs stands for โ€œnew body style,โ€ while obs stands for โ€œold body style. โ€ old body style trucks are. What does nbs and nnbs mean? Try searching for a meaning, ugh. I have an 01 yukon xl, 2500. Obs (old body style) refers to the gm truck platform that was used between 1988 and 1998. These trucks have a boxy and rugged look.

To be clear though, you are asking if a obs rear end will fit in a nbs truck, not a nbs rear end into a nnbs truck. Nnbs is the current style, nbs is before that and obs is the. If your truck is a 2003 you have to convert your fuel system to a returnless setup using the corvette fuel filter if you use the tbss/nnbs fuel rail. 04+ trucks all have the return. When looking for a new truck, youโ€™ll want to know what each of these terms stands for. Nbs stands for โ€œnew body style,โ€ while obs stands for โ€œold body style. โ€ old body style trucks are.

Nnbs Truck