
Ionia Car Show 2025event Calendar

Ionia Car Show 2025event Calendar - Choose select a calendar to view a specific calendar. Subscribe to calendar notifications by clicking on the notify me® button, and you will automatically be alerted about the latest events. Choose select a calendar to view a specific calendar. Subscribe to calendar notifications by clicking on the notify me® button, and you will automatically be alerted about the latest events. This show was a new item on our bucket list, but definitely raised our interest. Choose select a calendar to view a specific calendar. Subscribe to calendar notifications by clicking on the notify me® button, and you will automatically be alerted about the latest events. The annual ionia cruisin' classic car show will be held on main street on saturday, june 1 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Visit main street downtown for an epic show! Attracting car, truck, and bike lovers from all over, this is your opportunity to see some great vehicles…or show off your own! The ionia cruisin’ classic car, truck and bike show is always held the first saturday in june right along main street. If you enjoy cars, trucks, or bikes, you’ll love the parade and then the show! Join us on the bricks for the ionia cruisin' classics car, truck and bike show! Mark your calendars for the ionia cruisin’ classic car, truck & bike show set for saturday, june 1st. We are happy to announce the planning of the 2025 ionia cruisin' classics car, truck and bike show! This year's show will be held again in historic downtown ionia on main street on. Click here to view ionia area chamber events including memory cafe on tuesdays, euchre group, iacc board meetings, coffee klatch, yarn circle, painting group. Issei Sagawa Renee Hartevelt Autopsytimeline Videos

Choose select a calendar to view a specific calendar. Subscribe to calendar notifications by clicking on the notify me® button, and you will automatically be alerted about the latest events. Choose select a calendar to view a specific calendar. Subscribe to calendar notifications by clicking on the notify me® button, and you will automatically be alerted about the latest events. This show was a new item on our bucket list, but definitely raised our interest. Choose select a calendar to view a specific calendar. Subscribe to calendar notifications by clicking on the notify me® button, and you will automatically be alerted about the latest events. The annual ionia cruisin' classic car show will be held on main street on saturday, june 1 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Visit main street downtown for an epic show! Attracting car, truck, and bike lovers from all over, this is your opportunity to see some great vehicles…or show off your own! The ionia cruisin’ classic car, truck and bike show is always held the first saturday in june right along main street. If you enjoy cars, trucks, or bikes, you’ll love the parade and then the show! Join us on the bricks for the ionia cruisin' classics car, truck and bike show! Mark your calendars for the ionia cruisin’ classic car, truck & bike show set for saturday, june 1st. We are happy to announce the planning of the 2025 ionia cruisin' classics car, truck and bike show! This year's show will be held again in historic downtown ionia on main street on. Click here to view ionia area chamber events including memory cafe on tuesdays, euchre group, iacc board meetings, coffee klatch, yarn circle, painting group.

Ionia Car Show 2025event Calendar