Cse Technical Electives Osu - What Was The Cause Of Death For Caylee Anthonycompany Landing 3350, 4101, 5001, 5002, 5003, 5100, 5141, 5150, Finally, are there any suggestions for any cse level course 2000 or above that could count as a tech elective? Is there a list somewhere? I'm honestly trying to find the easiest path towards. Requirements for the specialization options dictate some core and technical elective choices. Curriculum for students first enrolled at ohio state prior to au18 email. Minors or courses not listed may be petitioned. More information is available. Major technical electives (choose at least 9 hrs) must select at least one 5000 level from the ece or cse technical elective list below students must waitlist cse courses on this list and will. Requirements for the specialization options may dictate core and technical elective choices. Mphr (major gpa) is calculated based on cse courses 2221 and above. Looking for recommendations for cse tech electives this spring, something not dreadful. I was looking at mobile apps but i'm not sure if that's the best option too. Already taken 4471, just.
What Was The Cause Of Death For Caylee Anthonycompany Landing