
4th Ranger Training Battalion

4th Ranger Training Battalion - Soldiers from the 4th rtb opfor (opposition force) platoon and crews from the ranger flight company conducted special patrol insertion and extraction system (spies). The 30th ag reception battalion receives, processes, and ships newly arrived soldiers to training; Rehabilitates injured soldiers and returns to training; Official page of the 4th ranger training battalion (38) 19/07/2025 congratulations to the u. s. Come check out our next rangers in action demonstration! Miller will assume command of 4th rtb from lt. 4th ranger training battalion ยท education: United states military academy at west point ยท location: Columbus ยท 472 connections on linkedin. Sfcs blake simms and chad stackpole, 4th ranger training battalion ranger instructors, won the overall competition, and also came in first on the road march that began. George schabbehar took command of the 4th ranger training battalion from lt. Jeremy miller in a change of command ceremony wednesday at the ranger.

Soldiers from the 4th rtb opfor (opposition force) platoon and crews from the ranger flight company conducted special patrol insertion and extraction system (spies). The 30th ag reception battalion receives, processes, and ships newly arrived soldiers to training; Rehabilitates injured soldiers and returns to training; Official page of the 4th ranger training battalion (38) 19/07/2025 congratulations to the u. s. Come check out our next rangers in action demonstration!

4th Ranger Training Battalion